Local officials, faculty and the Crenshaw Media Academy take pictures
Left to Right: Dr. Robert Groves, U.S. Census Bureau Director, Pamela A. Bakewell, Chief Neighborhood Officer, Blair Taylor, Los Angeles Urban League President, and Renita E. Smith, Vice President, Strategy
Crenshaw High Honored For Census Awareness
Local students are recognized by officials for census film shorts and awareness
By Brian W. Carter
Sentinel Staff Writer
Local and state officials gathered with students, faculty and parents at Crenshaw High School to honor Census PSAs Friday, April 30. The program featured a variety of film shorts highlighting issues about the census and was put together by students of the Crenshaw Media Academy.
California former acting Lt. Gov. Mona Pasquil, U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert M. Groves, Los Angeles Urban League President Blair Taylor and Disney Vice-President of Talent Development and Diversity, Tim McNeal were present and honored the Media Academy students for their stellar work and accomplishments.
“If we can get these young people, like these students at Crenshaw High School, excited about civic engagement and civic responsibility, they’ll turn this community around by themselves,” said Taylor.
The PSAs focused on census awareness and its overall importance within local communities. There were seven public service announcements put together by the students. They directed and starred in their own productions, informing the public on the importance on filling out the census.
“I’m really excited about the Media Academy’s work,” said Pamela A. Bakewell, Chief Neighborhood Officer. “I think it really shows what true partnership is with our government officials, community-based organizations and our local schools,” she continued.
The event featured an awards ceremony and honored PSAs for “Best Message,” “Best Creative, Editing and Production,” “Best Use of Language to Reach Hard-to-Count Communities” and “Best Overall.”
The ceremony was emceed by Dominque DiPrima of KJLH FM 102.3, and awards were presented by various officials.