On Saturday, June 25, the Children’s Institute invited the community out for a ribbon cutting ceremony for a day of celebration for their new Watts campus. Designed pro-bono by renowned architect Frank Gehry, the new CII Watts campus will provide an array of therapeutic services and free programs including workshops, individual and group counseling, socialization opportunities for Head Start families, employment support, Project Fatherhood and youth groups.
CII operates out of five main campuses, and offers programs in 32 locations. This new 20,000 square-foot campus is the 116-year-old nonprofit’s first ever-purpose built home in the Watt’s community.
President and CEO Martine Singer told the Sentinel that Frank Gehry would be at the top of anyone’s wish list for an architect. She explained how CII is fortunate that Gelila Assefa Puck, a long-term trustee of CII and a friend of Frank’s, approached him about the project.
“Gelila brought a long-term vision for how CII and a new center could impact Watts and the surrounding communities,” Singer said. “The conversation had barely begun and Frank not only said ‘yes’ but also volunteered to design the campus pro bono.”
Saturday’s event included performances, an opportunity to explore the new campus, activities, food trucks, and more.
Singer said that they’ve already received a huge response prior to being officially open. She detailed how neighbors, local nonprofits, elected officials, have all expressed interest in using the space for convenings, programming and other events.
“We have built a big tent, and we want the community to know that this is their place,” she emphasized. “That’s the message of our Community Celebration on June 25 — this is a welcoming space for children, families and local organizations.”
Singer expressed how the community dialogue began years ago when this project was first announced. “Watts Community Chats” have been held for over two years as a way to learn what type of programming the community would like at the new campus. Singer assures that CII will continue to ask for feedback and honor the needs and wishes of the community.
Children’s Institute has been providing services for families since 2007. There are six Head Start centers in Watts which includes all the housing developments and 14 throughout South LA.
“Choosing the corner of 102nd and Success for this beautiful new site is our way of saying that we keep our commitments and we’re here to stay. Besides this new campus, we have hubs in Long Beach and Echo Park,” Singer highlighted.
Singer detailed how the central feature of the building is a huge atrium that is filled with light from clerestory windows at the top – emphasizing how it feels like a cathedral. She explained how there are a lot of geometric shapes, and how the building feels “playful and welcoming, yet uncluttered and adaptable to many different purposes.
“Since we are located across from single family houses, we were mindful of the need to fit into a quiet, residential setting, so the façade has lots of articulation and a variety of colors and materials that make it feel appropriately scaled,” Singer added.
This new office space will hold 150 Children’s Institute staff members allowing teams to manage the various programs for the community.
For more information on Children’s Institute, visit: https://www.childrensinstitute.org/