William (Bill) Shearer, a longtime, successful radio executive in Los Angeles, passed away November 1st, after a lengthy illness. Industry and community leaders alike considered Bill Shearer a radio pioneer and industry great.
Originally from Columbus, Ohio, Shearer was a graduate of the University of San Francisco. He was a Korean War Veteran who served for over 20 years in the United States Army.
Bill Shearer moved to Los Angeles in the early 60s and began his career in business. He was a true salesman, having sold just about everything before finding his way into radio. Over nearly four decades, Shearer held sales, executive, and ownership positions at several radio stations, including: KLOS, KAGB, KACE, KGFJ/KUTE, and KGFJ. He also worked with the National Association of Market Developers (NAMD), Southern California Broadcasters, and American Urban Radio Networks, until his retirement.
In addition to his ground-breaking, successful roles in radio, Bill Shearer was active in the community working with organizations advancing media, business and civil rights opportunities for African Americans. He was active with the Los Angeles Urban League and NAACP. Shearer was also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, and a member of the First AME Church, Los Angeles.
William (Bill) Shearer will be sorely missed by a loving family, his many friends and colleagues. His Memorial Service will be held Tuesday, November 15, at 11:00am, at First AME Church, 2270 S. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018.