As word spread that Heather Hutt is now the Caretaker for Council District 10, residents throughout the region voiced their support for her appointment. Council President Nury Martinez officially assigned Hutt to the position on July 20.
A longtime resident of CD 10, Hutt is well known to many constituents and possesses deep knowledge about the concerns affecting the district’s issues. Also, her work with the state and federal government has resulted in strong, established relationships with elected officials on all levels.
Most notably, she served as the state director for then-Senator and now Vice President Kamala Harris. Hutt was the first Black in this position in California’s history.
Citing Hutt’s wealth of qualifications, Brenda Ashby, who lives in the district, said, “I was happy when Herb Wesson hired Heather Hutt as his new chief of staff. She is committed to serving the community and brings with her years of experience.

“Heather is a caretaker who understands our needs, knows our history, lives in the community, and can do the job,” added Ashby, an executive board member of the Crenshaw Manor Community Association and a local realtor.
Genelle Brooks-Petty, CD 10 resident and owner of All Chill Ice Cream Shop in Leimert Park, emphasized Hutt’s “integrity, experience and genuine care for this community” as among her reasons for backing Hutt’s selection.
“Heather understands the nuances of our district and has the knowledge and good will to get things moving forward for us. The fact that she is the first Black woman to hold the position is monumental and hopefully a catalyst for more women to step into leadership for our city and beyond,” declared Brooks-Petty.
The Rev. J. Edgar Boyd, senior minister of First AME Church in Los Angeles, commended her appointment as caretaker as well.
“I applaud the bold action of the LA City Council in moving Heather Hutt into the position of a caretaker for L.A.’s 10th Council District. While the legal and political matters around Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas are being sorted out, Heather will bring a critical voice and vote to the council, representing this historic segment of Los Angeles. Given Heather’s character, experience, and talent, I am sure the district will be well represented,” insisted Boyd.
Offering similar remarks, the Rev. Judi Wortham noted, “Heather has worked tirelessly in District 10.
Her impact in the community is felt by all. She will pay attention and tell the story as it needs to be told. She loves human kind and it is evident in her work.
“Heather Hutt is a great asset to what we need in District 10. I am ecstatic to learn of this appointment. She will provide the listening ears in order to provide the community the outlet that we all need,” stressed Wortham.
Pastor Charles E. Blake II of West Angeles Church of God in Christ added, “While I have not had the pleasure of working with Ms. Hutt directly in the past, I am certain that she has a heart to serve the constituents of the 10th District with compassion and excellence. The people of the 10th District again have a voice of representation in our great city. We look forward to being engaged in the process as we work together towards a bright future for the 10th.”
Hutt’s realm of supporters extend beyond the district to others who have known and worked with her in various arenas. Leading community leaders shared their opinions about Hutt’s executive skills and expertise in government.
“I have had the honor of working with Heather Hutt for more than 10 years. Her leadership and commitment to the welfare of youth and the community has always stood out to me,” said Charisse Bremond Weaver, president/CEO of the Brotherhood Crusade.
“I’m reflecting when I received the call from Heather sharing with me that she was just promoted as the first Black U.S. Senate State Director in California’s history. She was appointed by Senator Kamala D. Harris to represent and serve the constituents throughout the state of California. Appointments like this only happen when you are brilliant, when you will advocate for what is needed for our community to thrive, when you understand policy and have a deep understanding of constituent needs. Heather embodies all of these qualities and more.”
Yvonne Wheeler, co-convener of California Black Women’s Collective, described Hutt as “exceptionally qualified to address those critical issues and challenges facing CD 10.”
Wheeler emphasized, “Heather raised her children, and most importantly, has been an integral part of CD 10 as a lifelong resident. As the mother of three, she knows firsthand the vital role of advocating for working families. I am also reassured and confident in her ability to be accessible and deliver the services as the Caretaker of CD 10. “
While the community overwhelmingly supports Hutt as Caretaker, Ashby also frankly stated that CD 10 constituents hope the City Council would take the next step.
“CD10 has over 250,000 constituents without a vote at the L.A. City Council, and that has a major impact on services and resources,” said Ashby. “Moving Heather from caretaker to board-appointed would give us back our voice and our vote!”