Berean Seventh Day Adventist Church will host a free presentation by Dr. May Nour, a vascular and interventional neurologist, on Sunday, April 28, at 2:30 p.m. at 4121 W. Adams Blvd., in Los Angeles.
Dr. Nour, who earned both a medical degree and a doctorate in neuroscience, and her team of specialists will offer consultations onsite in a special equipped mobile stroke ambulance. The information will outline how to survive a stroke and maintain independence.
The public is invited to attend. Register at bereanhealth@gmail.com to guarantee a seat.
“Every 40 seconds, someone experiences a stroke. It is the leading contributor of long-term disability! One in six people will have a stroke in their lifetime,” said a spokesperson. “It is urgent that all come to receive this most valuable information, for all will know how to receive help in the time of need!”