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This past week we observed daylight savings time by turning our clocks back an hour with the hope to make better use of daylight.  In other words, having an extra hour of daylight should help us be more productive with our days. The real question is what are we doing with the time we are given no matter what?  Twenty-four hours is the same whether there is light or darkness.  Are we walking in the light or sleeping in the dark? Now is not the time for any of us to be “sleeping on the job” when there’s much work to be done.

Just because the election is over does not mean our work is done.  We must find the area(s) that speak to us and get involved. To make her time count during the last few weeks of the campaign season Oprah went to Georgia to support governor candidate Stacey Abrams.  Oprah made it clear that she is a registered Independent and not a Democrat or Republican. She wants to have the freedom to vote her values and conscious and she challenged all of us to do the same verses following a party affiliation.  Oprah supported Stacey Abrams not because she is a Democrat, or because she is a woman, or because she is an African American, but because she believes she will truly make a difference and make her time count.  Stacey Abrams put in the time to show she cares and has demonstrated that she will make a difference no matter where or what she is doing.

There are so many issues that face us today.  The list is exhaustive. Whether we talk about police officers killing Black and Brown boys, government accountability, income and gender inequality, poverty, the #MeToo Movement, climate change, food security, education disparity, health care, anti-Semitism, the rise of white supremacy, or even black on black crime there are issues that need our attention and time.  When we look at everything it can be overwhelming, so how do we do something and really make a difference?  There is only so much time in a day and we have so much that we must do to take care of our families and personal responsibilities, but that still cannot be an excuse for why we are not doing our part. It is a simple choice we can make time to help remedy these problems.

How do we make our time count? We can start by volunteering our time and resources locally with an organization that addresses an issue that touches our heart. Sometimes we may feel powerless, but we all have the power to make a difference.  Abraham Lincoln said, “My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth.”  America is in a difficult place, but it is not too late to turn things around not only for America, but to help make the world a better place for all mankind. Will you make a conscious choice to give your time, talent and resources to make a difference?

Whether we are in daylight savings time or springing forward with long days the choice is up to us how we will use our time.  Will we make each second and minute count? If we don’t it might cost us more than just our time to make this a better world today and for future generations.  It’s not too late to start and it is up to us.  Personal balance is important, but we must also consider what is important for the greater good to our agenda and not just think about ourselves. Let’s get started together today.

Healing Without Hate:  It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. Pass it on!

Visit www.WendyEnterprises.com and www.forgivingforliving.org.  Wendy is a coach, consultant and speaker. You may email her at [email protected].