Some have accused the collective lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community of bullying its way into America's consciousness. The LGBTs have stormed the halls of power and have assaulted the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of city, state, and federal governments. And as for America's Black Communities (ABCs), many Blacks are convinced that the White gay power structure has struck fear into the timid hearts of Black leaders whether priest, pastor, or politicians. These effectively "sell out" in the name of "political correctness"–in the name of "tolerance" and "acceptance" say critics. They say this gives actual substance to the otherwise artificially bogus term "homophobia." Yes, the powerful gay community strikes fear in the hearts of some Black leaders, and perhaps a measure of fear is well founded. After all, if you criticize the LGBT community you've just placed a target on your back and have engaged a well thought out strategy. They will do one or more of the following in any combination: (1) attack your credibility; (2) cast aspersions on your character; (3) call you "homophobic"; (4) accuse you of being latently homosexual; (5) pressure your company into firing you; (6) boycott your business; and (7) pressure advertisers to withdraw their sponsorship. Of course, these are not the limit on the onslaught.

One even attacked and made fun of my deceased father and elderly mother for naming me "Firpo." This below-the-belt attack by the LGBT community was met with the tacit approval of members and bloggers who signed onto and visited the Sentinel's Web site that contains my article, "God Pays Gays with AIDS?" (December 4, 2008) A new low for our "sweet," "loving," "caring," "sensitive," "tolerant," "understanding," "live-and-let-live" brothers and sisters of the gay community. But, although the LGBTs employ underhanded tactics that frighten a number of Blacks in prominent positions, some of us are neither dazed nor amazed, nor in a "homophobic" haze. We remain unfazed. After all, why should we be afraid of gays anyway? Oh yes, they're very powerful when it comes to printing propaganda in promoting their agenda. I'll give them that. Just look at the December 16, 2008, cover article for The Advocate, the leading gay magazine with its "Award-Winning LGBT News Site." The title on the cover? "Gay is the New Black: The Last Great Civil Rights Struggle." This has to be the most egregious case of cultural identity theft in the history of America; the latest effort to supplant the very essence of that which is American Africana.

Dr. Caillean McMahon, a goliath in "The Last Great Civil Rights Struggle," has challenged my Bible-based condemnation of homosexuality. You may recall from my last article, "Enraged Gays Against My Page" (December 25, 2008) that Dr. McMahon is an awarded forensic psychiatrist and medical administrator who has had male-to-female cosmetic surgery. As promised, the following is a written exchange between us: 

DR. MCMAHON: "In my life, I've not previously read quite such a compendium of urban legend and mythos aimed at presenting a fictitious posture of credibility. I have my doctorate and post-doctoral work and there is not a reputable clinician in mental health or in medicine who would agree with any of the Dickensian portrayal of Lesbians that 'Dr' Carr engages in."

DR. CARR: "Well, being a psychiatrist and all, sir, I know you must be very familiar with critical thinking. And, as I intimated to another discussion participant, 'You've succumbed to the fallacy of common belief. Critical thinking dictates that just because many or most believe one thing or another, this alone doesn't make it right in and of itself.' But, I'll indulge you, sir. 

"Only after a long, protracted, contentious debate among your fellow psychiatrists was homosexuality removed as a mental disorder in the early '70s. And as recently as 2006, the U.S. Department of Defense still listed it as such until the superpowerful gay lobby got it to recant. So, a bunch of your colleagues, many of them 'reputable clinicians in mental health,' felt that homosexuality should NOT have been removed from the list of mental disorders. And, as I stated, with the advent of DSMIII, ego-dystonic homosexuality was STILL listed, again, by 'reputable clinicians in mental health,' as a mental disorder. And since the LGBT community ceaselessly compares itself with the Black community, has being African American ever been listed as a mental disorder in DSM or DSMIII?

"Oh, by the way, 'reputable clinicians in mental health' concluded in 'a Dutch study, [that] gay men reported significantly higher mood and anxiety disorders than straight men, and lesbians were significantly more likely to experience depression…than straight women.' Perhaps you should have said, 'no clinician in mental health or in medicine who I consider reputable agrees with any of the Dickensian portrayal of Lesbians that 'Dr' Carr engages in.'…Of course, even with this, you still have not addressed any of the 'Dickensian portrayal of Lesbians' [in my article]. 

DR. MCMAHON: "Further, a reading of the early Church fathers makes it quite clear that Paul is discussing apostate Christians who return to the temple practices of Magna Mater, the Roman State Cult, in Romans 1."

DR. CARR: "Again, you have not contradicted or refuted anything I've said in my three articles. This is telling…With all due respect, sir, you should have stayed in your make-believe, myopic world of mental health mumble-jumble. You were doing fine (okay, I'm being generous) before you stepped into my arena, the world of Bible scholarship. You see, that's what I have a 'fake' doctorate in, Biblical/Religious Studies. I'm also a Bible translator. I won't list all my accomplishments in connection with my 'fake' doctorate and post-doctoral work that includes traveling for study and research purposes to a number of countries around the world; and publishing numerous books, some of which are being used as college and university textbooks at prestigious universities. And, as I've stated here before to someone: 'While I'm not going to say I'm a Hebrew scholar, I will say that I first studied it on a university level in 1979 and have been to Israel twice to study the Dead Sea Scrolls, and [the Soviet Union] twice to study the Codex Leningrad B19a–both very important Hebrew Bible manuscripts. I doubt that your background in Hebrew is as extensive.'

"I first studied Greek on a university level in 1976. And, as you know, Paul's letter to the Romans, the very one you referenced, was written in koine or biblical Greek. I'll just let my response speak for itself. You site Romans 1 (verses 26-28) where the apostle Paul, under divine inspiration, plainly condemns lesbianism and homosexuality. You then claim that he was 'discussing apostate Christians who return[ed] to the temple practices of Magna Mater, the Roman State Cult.' This is a feeble attempt to localize the impact of Paul's words, sir. Actually, Paul's condemnation of same-sex practices was not just to the Romans, but was universal. At Romans 16:4 he mentions 'all the congregations of the nations.' And in the same chapter, verse 16, he again mentions 'all the congregations.' (Romans 16:16)." Next week, God willing, the conclusion of my answer to Dr. McMahon and "her" final comments. Until then, start the new year off safely. Peace to all. Amen. 

Expression for the Week (or is it "Weak"?) American Africana: Original African culture (from the first days of slavery) progressively flavored with American ways. This African culture is all-inclusive, encompassing numerous ethnic groups that were transported by way of the transatlantic slave trade. Over the centuries, it has been diluted with the collective and distinctive mores of American society. (Note: Not all African cultures were transported to America via the transatlantic slave trade.)