L to R Senator Curren Price, Charisse Bremond-Weaver, Eileen Forbes.

L to R The artists: Kimberlee Minor-Pate (painting); Ikeem Murphy (painting); Stephanie Sheppard (photography); Yussuf J. Simmonds (copper); Mayra Azanza (paper-mache); Neneki “Nick” McGee (airbrush graphic painting); and Eileen Forbes, program director.

Art Show at the African America Unity Center

By Brian W. Carter

Sentinel Staff Writer

On Saturday, March 20 the Brotherhood Crusade and African American Unity Center (AAUC) coordinated a day for children and community members featuring artwork from 5 community artists. The theme of the event was “Express Yourself, Unity and Education through Self Expression.” The event together was an effort to stress the importance of art in education and self-expression.

On Saturday, March 20 the Brotherhood Crusade and African American Unity Center (AAUC) coordinated a day for children and community members featuring artwork from 5 community artists. The theme of the event was “Express Yourself, Unity and Education through Self Expression.” The event together was an effort to stress the importance of art in education and self-expression.

On hand to greet the artists were Charisse Bremond-Weaver, President and CEO of the Brotherhood Crusade and Senator Curren Price (D-26). The art event featured five different artists at two sessions: from 10:00am-12:00pm. Each session showcased the five artists expressing different styles of art. One of them even created two pieces of his work in the presence of the audience within a 10-minute time frame at the end of every session followed by workshops where creative minds were allowed to create their own work of art. It was a fun and positive experience for all who attended.