Tony Wafford (File photo)


America launched the so-called War on Drugs in 1971 under our other formal pardoned criminal and chief Richard Nixon, declaring drugs to be “public enemy number one” which we all know was really the beginning of the war on Black people by imprisoning millions, that’s right millions of people, addicted to drugs with its major focus on Black people.

Following that was Nancy Reagan’s farce, “Just Say No” mantra, which would have been a good start had she been able to sell that mantra to her husband.  You do remember when old Ronnie Reagan said that the Contras were “the moral equivalent of America’s Founding Fathers” so he felt that it would be a good idea to flood the Black community with tons of cocaine and use the money to help underwrite the Iran Contra war.

History is trying to repeat itself when last week the Senate passed the HALT Fentanyl Act, a bill that would result in major prison time for selling fentanyl, which was a major selling point that the felon and chief used to get the trailer park vote.  We all know that this convicted felon could care less about a bunch of rednecks overdosing and dying from fentanyl.

The question is what is the plan behind this HALT Fentanyl move?  When it comes to these people, we must always remember Sun Tzu when he said, “In war you make noise in the east and strike in the West.” These people know how to do bait and switch in an effort to distract us from the real damage that they’re trying to do.

This bill will do nothing to actually solve the fentanyl or any other drug crisis we have here in the good ol’ US of A.  What they’re setting us up for is to disrupt communities and families by locking people up, mostly Black people, rather than treating addiction and taking away money from programs that have had some measure of success.

The average prison sentence for those convicted of trafficking fentanyl and other related drugs was seven years and three months in 2023.  Almost 60% of those convicted were Black, 23% were Latin,o and 16% were white.  You see, if you are an investor in a privately owned prison or you provide services to state prisons, this bill works really good for you because you’re going to make a ton of money.

Black people, please don’t sleep on this HALT Fentanyl ActThis bill will put all copycat versions of fentanyl alterations and drugs that are sold by dope dealers (traffickers) on the Drug Enforcement Administration’s list as a Schedule 1 drug.  So, what does this mean for the local illegal weed seller, when you’re stepping on your weed (adding other chemicals to the weed to make your weed more potent than your competitors’) you’re now put in the crosshairs as selling a schedule 1 drug which now you’re looking at seven years and three months in prison.

Check this out, here in California selling illegal marijuana is prohibited under Health and Safety Code.  Generally, unlicensed sell and transportation of weed is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in county jail and/or a fine up to $500, no big deal, right? Wrong!

If certain aggravating factors are present, such as prior convictions or selling to minors, the offense will be classified as a felony, leading to two to four years in county jail.  Now when you add this HALT Fentanyl Act to your case, you can bet they’re going to say that the weed you were selling was a copycat version of fentanyl alterations.  You’re now looking at a minimum of seven years in state prison.

I don’t know about you but I’m going to have a serious conversation with all my weed smoking friends and family members about buying, selling and smoking illegal weed because you can bet they’re coming after you and it’s going to be on you to prove that your weed was both purchased from a legal dispensary and had no traces of copycat versions of fentanyl in it!

If you think former Speaker of the House Congressman John Boehner left Congress to be a dope dealer, joining in with other Brooks Brothers suit wearing dope dealers, are going to let you street dealers cut into their profits, you got another thing coming!


Black weed smokers, you better put on your thinking cap.