In the heart of South Los Angeles, a remarkable team of young athletes is making a significant impact with their exceptional talent and unparalleled teamwork. The South Los Angeles Wolves, a 10U Girls All-Star Soccer Team from the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) Region 1031, have established themselves as a powerhouse with an impressive 55-1 record. Now, they are preparing to represent their community and showcase their skills at the prestigious Aloha International Cup taking place from July 12th to the 14th in Honolulu, HI.
Comprised entirely of young women of color, the South LA 10U Girls team is breaking barriers in a sports landscape where diversity is often lacking. These young athletes are proving that talent transcends boundaries and are setting a shining example for inclusivity in sports.
After winning the AYSO National Championship last year, the 10U Girls All-Star team continues to dominate AYSO tournaments across Southern California this year. They have showcased their competitive edge and determination to succeed at the highest level in tournaments such as Hauptman and Freeman in Los Angeles, Strawberry Cup in Camarillo, and Citrus Classic in Redlands.
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As they gear up to compete against teams from around the world at the Aloha International Cup next month, the South LA 10U Girls team is not simply aiming for victory but also to inspire others. Their journey stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, dedication, and teamwork.
Coach Emmanuel Adonis, the head coach of the AYSO 1031 U10 Girls team, praised the girls’ sportsmanship and unity, stating, “They exemplify resilience and persistence in the face of challenges and adversity. We have some highly competitive girls who share a love for playing soccer together, celebrating each other’s success, and supporting one another through difficult moments. I encourage the community to come together in support of the South Los Angeles Wolves.”
“We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our local sponsors, including All City Management Services and South LA Cafe, for their unwavering support and generosity,” Adonis continued. “The outpouring of love and support from the community has been incredible. Let’s celebrate the team’s achievements and stand by them as they embark on this remarkable journey. They are more than just a soccer team; they are a symbol of excellence and pride for our community and beyond. Go Wolves!”
For more details or to sponsor the team’s efforts, you can contact Darren Gooden at 323-314-4117.