Dr. Jeanette Parker (file photo)

Abominable may be applied to that which is morally repulsive, that which is detestable, that which the One Almighty God does not tolerate. God is so patient. He waited hundreds, thousands of years, and in a timeless range before He decided to send forth His only “begotten” son.   

Jesus was “begotten before the world…born in the world.” Elohim taking creature form to create as He later took human form (flesh) to redeem. We have here “creation” and redemption” combined in Christ (Revelation 4:11; 5:9).  Therefore, you can say, “He is all and all,” and He is all in all; the eternal. Everything is held together by Him and by Him everything consists.  

We, then, those of us who are believers, are the salt of the earth. When we live and walk in His pathway by His wisdom, we are ahead of the game {so to speak}. Proverbs in speaking about wisdom says, “The Lord possessed me (acquired me by a definite act…before His works of old.” (Proverbs 8:22).  

Now, we know God didn’t create evil.  Right. We know that. A questioning mind might ask, “Well why did he create the tree of knowledge which exuded good and not good? Because He is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.  

He doesn’t see as man sees. His vision is all encompassing where His view is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful. He created everything by His creative power. Nothing goes beyond His view, knowing all and seeing all at one instant in time.  

He is out of time. We are in time and He allows us to use time. Because He is who He is, being perfect with all knowledge, He detests that which is morally impure. He is jealous and rejects the detestable. He is before all things. Why do we keep aggravating God by making decisions that oppose His Godliness. He was, is and is to come {futuristic} in all his unlimited dimensions.  

We have the answer now to guide us into all truth. No need to search for imaginary monster-like creatures, which walk upright, huge in stature, man like face, hairy all over the body of the beast….forget all the fantasy and get to “the real real.”  

There comes a time, which is close at hand and addresses the “abomination desolation.” What is it? Matthew talks about it in Matthew 24:15. Daniel brings it up in Daniel 8:13; 9:27; 11:31; 12:11.  Daniel’s visions in the scriptures relate to the time of the end and relationship between now and the end, a part of which is “the abomination of desolation.”   

What is this “abomination of desolation” that gets set up?   This detestable, most immoral, grotesque image has been defined as “a special idol that brings on God’s desolating judgments.” In other words, man has gone too far in attempting to make himself God through his pride, arrogance and self-worshipping attitude and acts.  

Remember Nimrod? He failed. Remember Haman and his hatred for the Jews, determined to kill them all off? He failed. Remember the Amalekites who would not allow the Hebrews to pass through as they were journeying from escape from Egypt? The Amalekites failed and they were plagued from generation to generation. Remember Saul, first king of the Israel? The Prophet Samuel had given him instructions to “wait” for him to offer the sacrifice. Saul decided to usurp the office of the priesthood, knowing he was not in the rank or office of priesthood or prophet. He lost his kingship because of doing what the people said to do, agreeing with the people instead of listening to the prophet.  

This Abomination which brings judgment can also be related to Jesus taking the scroll from the One who sat on the throne – “The lamb which was standing.” Jesus prevailed as the only one worthy to take the book (scroll) and open the seals which are the judgments God has decided shall be unleashed in a time of His own timing.  

This brings us to a time when we will begin to see the beginnings or shadows of things to come. It’s not by coincidence the things which are “now” taking place. The scriptures are clear that “judgment will begin at the house of God.” Get ready and stay ready and stay prayed up without ceasing.  


Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker is the founder-superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, L.A. 90043, 323-293-9826, www.todaysfreshstart.org, (Ask Dr. Jeanette TM) “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.” All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © Errors? Or Questions? Please let me know. Join Sundays for music and message at 11:30 a.m. by calling (712) 775-8971, code 266751. Don’t stop praying and hoping. References: The Holy Bible, New American Standard, Daniel 7-12.  “Today is another great day to do good and be successful.”