“Occupy ‘Til I Come!”

“What Will Be Our Response?”

Dr. Jeanette Parker (File Photo)

The universe and its contents has been left under our care. The Creator of the world and all that is therein has made all things. What do you think he has done to ensure that His creation of mankind will take care while He has gone and left everything to us.  He has given us His irrevocable word to read and study as we await His return? He has plundered Satan’s domain {His ministry and resurrection ensured that.} while He was yet here on earth acting under the direction of the Father. For He says, “I always do that which My Father has directed me to do and say what My Father teaches me to say.” He has bound Satan; disarmed him, destroyed his works, freed his captives and judged him. Satan took a tumble. Deception is now his only effective weapon. If you don’t fall for his deception, all he can do is run. Scripture references: {Mt 12:29; Rev. 20:2; Col 2:15; 1 Jn. 3:8; Heb 2:14-15, Jn 12:31; 16:11; Lk 10:18; Mt 24:24; Rev 20:8; James 4:7.} Read for yourself.  Knowing that The Christ, Messiah has done all these things, what does that leave for us? What are we to do while we await His return and why are things the way they are? It’s disobedience and unbelief. People don’t believe who He is. People don’t believe even after seeing His miracles here on the earth, the skies, waters and wonders made by and through Him, still there is unbelief. Unbelief results from an impenetrable attitude of willfulness to disbelief. When the virgins were waiting for the bridegroom to come, most of them were prepared to receive Him when the call was made for they did not know when He would come. But, some were not prepared and looked to those who were prepared to share some of their oil to fill their lamps. Because they weren’t prepared, they had to go out and buy oil. They were like the servants of the householder who were given every opportunity to “occupy until I come.” {Lk 19:11-28; Mt 25:14-30.} Take care of what has been entrusted to you. Improve on it. Increase it. Employ in business. Resist “willful, high-handed rejection of God’s purpose.” When He returns, He will ask questions. What will be answers pleasing to His ears? The unprepared virgins who went out at the last minute seeking oil returned. They knocked and beat at the door. There was no entrance for them. They had time to be prepared. They missed their heavenly opportunity and there was no makeup test and did not receive entrance into His kingdom. Not every person who says, Lord, Lord can enter in. The unprepared virgins were shocked by not being allowed to enter with the other virgins. The slothful,  unprofitable servant in Mt. 25 blamed his lack of initiative on the Master and insulted the Master. He was cast into outer darkness. There will be a separation just as with the virgins and other parables. When all the nations are gathered and separated one from another, He will make a decision and call them out for their not respecting that which was left for them to oversee and take care to handle respectfully. When He says, “I was hungry and you did not feed me, not give me drink when I was thirsty and you gave me no drink. These among other things, will they be called out for their meager, stingy and destitute ways. He says, “if you had just done these caring acts to the very least, you have done them unto me.” Almighty Lord God is watching us to see what are we doing to show forth Him for who He is. Some people think they are serving God and are deceived. He will have “a shake out.” The examination will be thoroughly and precise. He will refine and find who has done what for Him and His kingdom. How will we answer? What will we say? It will be too late to defend ourselves, because the time will have passed. Do it now! Do righteous acts now! He will separate the wheat from the chaff. He will purify and cleanse. He will know all the secrets of the mind and the acts committed known and hidden. So, we say who will be the first. He says the church will hold major responsibility; the teachers and preachers and all those who say they belong to Him, the believers. Judgement will began at the house of God first and if it starts with us, where will the sinners and unrighteous appear!? Thanks for reading!  Jeanette Grattan Parker, Founder-Superintendent Today’s Fresh Start Charter School 323-293-9826 www.todaysfreshstart.org; [Ask Dr. JeanetteTM  & Ask Dr. Jeanette ParkerTM   (registered trademarks) www.askdrjeanetteparker.com [email protected] TM

 “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.”© All rights reserved references:Holy Bible; The Chronological Life of Christ