Turning Point AOD presents “Spring Into Action – Gala Community Impact Luncheon” on Sunday, April 28, at 11 a.m., at 4391 West Mount Vernon Drive in the View Park district of Los Angeles.
KJLH broadcaster Tammi Mac will emcee the program. Susan Burton, founder of A New Way of Life, will receive the Changemaker Award, L.A. Councilman Marqueece Harris-Dawson will be presented with the Community Builder Award, and Cynthia Davis, MPH, DHL, assistant professor at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine will be recognized with the Community Champion Award. Actress and model Amber Valletta will also participate.

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According to Michelle Perkins, Turning Point AOD founder and executive director, the event will focus on restoring communities, igniting hope, and repairing the harm of mass incarceration.

“This gala aims to celebrate the transformative journey of reentry and reunification post-incarceration, emphasizing empowerment, community support, and inspiring change,” said Perkins.
“We’re eagerly anticipating the presence of greater Los Angeles at this significant event. Your support will contribute immensely to our mission of empowering individuals and communities. Together, let’s ‘Spring Into Action’ and sow the seeds of positive change!”
Tickets are available on Eventbrite at https://bit.ly/3PxEL8x . To learn more, visit turningpointaod.com.