Vision Theatre in Leimert Park
Photo by Brian W. Carter
The local committee continues to make strides in developing a better Leimert Park Village
The public was invited to be a part of the decision-making process on Saturday, June 27th 2015 with the 20|20 Vision Initiative Charette. The committee came together to discuss the continued efforts to improve the Leimert Park area.
Topics and activities for the Charette included the creative adaptive re-use of vacant and under-utilized properties (e.g., the two public parking lots); the application of lessons learned from downtown Culver City, the Santa Monica Promenade, downtown South Park, San Diego’s Market Creek Plaza,; transit and pedestrian oriented development resulting from the new Leimert Park Village Metro Station; opportunities for tourism and evening/night-time destination points within the Village; increased prominence as a cultural, entertainment and arts center; adaptive Eco District reuse with sustainable community enhancements; greater high tech and multi-media involvement including local wi-fi service improvements, internet radio broadcasting, cable TV channel production, content for the proposed Leimert Park Village Studios; and much more! There was also a mapping/visioning exercise by the Urban Design Center, and a panel for the Leimert Park Village “Shark Tank” for the purpose of encouraging grass-root innovative business ideas.
The 20|20 Vision Initiative Charette is presented by the Greater Leimert Park Village Crenshaw Corridor Business Improvement District (GLPVCCBID) and the Empowerment Congress West Area Neighborhood Development Council (ECWA). The Charette is facilitated by the Leimert Park Village Stakeholders Committee, the L.A. City Department of Cultural Affairs and Urban Design Center.
This year, the Charette will be a planning prelude to the August 6th-8th Urban Land Institute Technical Advisory Panel (ULI TAP) sponsored by Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. The ULI TAP will assess the highest and best use of potential development on the two public parking lots and adaptive reuse opportunities for the existing 1930’s era Art Deco designed buildings. The City’s Economic & Workforce Development Department (EWDD) is preparing a market study for the two public lots, the “Vision Theatre” and “Leimert Park Plaza”.
Please take the 2nd Annual Leimert Park Village 20|20 Vision Initiative Survey to help us keep track of our progress. Register at our website here: Have a Business Idea for Leimert Park Village? Email at