Evangelist Yvonne Gibson Johnson (westa.org)

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be open unto you:” (Matthew 7:7)

Prayer is asking and receiving; it is talking with God. It is making your request known unto Him in faith. The scripture is so simple on the surface that we are in danger of failing to recognize its immensity. Our Lord instructs the believer to ask, seek and knock, because these three words cover the whole spectrum of prayer.

Prayer is asking and receiving. When you know the will of God regarding a need, whether it be material or spiritual, you can ask and receive. This is prayer according to the revealed will of God (1 John 5:14-15).

Prayer is seeking and finding. When you do not know the will of God regarding a need, whether it be material or spiritual, then you are to seek His will in prayer concerning this need until you find it. This is prayer for knowledge of the unrevealed will of God in a specific need. (Colossians 3:1 and Jeremiah 29:12-13).

Prayer is knocking and opening. When you know the will of God, and yet you find a closed door, you are to knock and keep on knocking until God opens the door. This is tenacious prayer for mountain moving faith. Knocking prayer preservers until the impossible becomes the possible. This is miracle- working prayer (Matthew 17:14-21). All things are possible when you ask, seek, knock.

Evangelist Yvonne Gibson-Johnson is the director of the Prayer Ministry at West Angeles Church of God in Christ,. in Los Angeles led by Presiding Bishop Emeritus Charles E. Blake Sr.