Larry Buford
                               Larry Buford

Right after Jesus died on the cross, Matthew 27:51-53 tells us: “Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.”

It is believed God opened the graves of those who followed Him to underscore Jesus’ resurrection. As a result, people began to celebrate what became known as All Saints Day – celebrated annually on November 1 – founded on what God had done.

However, Satan the deceiver devised a counterfeit plan straight from the depths of hell that has people believing all sorts of things are coming out of the grave today. The Bible said the “saints” came out; Satan has the “haints” coming out.

In Ephesians 2:1-3, Satan is called the “prince of the power of the air,” and he’s the ruler of the world for now. Just look at how he’s flooded the airwaves with all kinds of stories about the occult, paranormal, witchcraft and other evil delusions. Where Jesus rose from the grave to save and give life, Satan’s counterfeit like Count Dracula rose to destroy and take away life.

The origin of Halloween dates back some 2000 years ago A.D. It was called “Samhain” (pronounced “sow-in”). Ancient records suggest that over time, cultures around the world celebrated a pagan “Day of the Dead” festival.

Although Halloween is an unofficial “holiday,” billions of dollars are spent each year on costumes, treats, parties and unfortunately the cost of vandalism by pranksters. Think of all the goodwill we could accomplish if those funds were utilized for something worthwhile.

Movies like “The Walking Dead,” “Poltergeist” and “Night of the Living Dead” are Satan’s attempts to dilute the power of the cross – the resurrection of Jesus. In the south, people believed in “haints” – wandering spirits that could not get to heaven.

After the resurrection, Jesus became the “firstfruits” of the new hope for eternal life. He is the only one who has been resurrected to eternal life as an immortal spirit. He is the new hope.

Yes, there were many miracles of the dead being raised before Jesus: Elijah raised the son of the Zarephath widow from the dead (1Kings 17:17-22); Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44); Elisha raised the son of the Shunammite woman from the dead (2 Kings 4:32-35) and other accounts; but none of them were raised unto eternal life like Jesus.

They were raised into the same hopeless condition of fallen mankind because Jesus, the sinless, unblemished sacrifice, had not yet died on the cross of redemption. Because of the cross, if we believe by faith, we have hope; the confident expectation of eternal life.

In the second coming of Jesus (Revelation 20:1-6), we will be risen among the “saints” and not left among the “haints.”
