Los Angeles City Council President Herb J. Wesson, Jr. joined Mayor Eric Garcetti and Councilmembers Marqueece Harris-Dawson and Jose Huizar Monday to urge the passage of Proposition HHH. If the measure, “Housing and Hope to End Homelessness,” is adopted by voters this November, it would allow the city to finance the 10,000 unites of permanent supportive housing needed to house all of the city’s chronically homeless residents. During a passionate speech, Wesson addressed the crowd, “Let me say to each and every one of you, if you can change one life then your life has not been in vain.” Wesson continued by saying, “We engage in this fight not because we know we can win, we engage in this fight because it must be fought.”
Measure HHH would raise $1.2 billion dollars to finance the construction of permanent supportive housing over the next 10 years, and could expect to leverage three times its value from other sources of funds. It would triple the pace that Los Angeles currently builds housing. Wesson concluded his remarks by adding, “You want to go to heaven? Then let’s change some lives and vote yes on HHH.”