Tony Wafford, Dr. Maulana Karenga, Attorney Dermot Givens Chimbuko Tembo and Tulivu Jadi. (courtesy photo)
Tony Wafford, Dr. Maulana Karenga, Attorney Dermot Givens Chimbuko Tembo and Tulivu Jadi. (courtesy photo)

Tony Wafford of I Choose Life Health and Wellness Center and Attorney Dermot Givens hosted the first of a series of community meetings to discuss the repeal of anti-affirmative action law, Proposition 209. Dr. Maulana Karenga provided the group a detailed history of Affirmative Action and made the case of why it is important for African-Americans to receive equity in employment, contracts and university admissions. He gave an analysis of how and why Prop. 209 should be repealed.

Attendees represented the diaspora of the African-American community.  The forum was held at Dulan’s on Crenshaw where a full breakfast was served.

Tony Wafford said, “it’s time that we revisit Prop. 209 like my grandfather would always say all your good-byes ain’t gone!”

Givens said that in organizing the political campaign to repeal Proposition 209 “the campaign must start and end in our community” …  “Everyone in California is at the table and getting their fair share except African-Americans. We need to stop those in power from being able to use Prop. 209 to deny us our fair share.”