Tony Wafford of I Choose Life Health and Wellness Center and Attorney Dermot Givens hosted the first of a series of community meetings to discuss the repeal of anti-affirmative action law, Proposition 209. Dr. Maulana Karenga provided the group a detailed history of Affirmative Action and made the case of why it is important for African-Americans to receive equity in employment, contracts and university admissions. He gave an analysis of how and why Prop. 209 should be repealed.
Attendees represented the diaspora of the African-American community. The forum was held at Dulan’s on Crenshaw where a full breakfast was served.
Tony Wafford said, “it’s time that we revisit Prop. 209 like my grandfather would always say all your good-byes ain’t gone!”
Givens said that in organizing the political campaign to repeal Proposition 209 “the campaign must start and end in our community” … “Everyone in California is at the table and getting their fair share except African-Americans. We need to stop those in power from being able to use Prop. 209 to deny us our fair share.”