On Saturday, June 3, the all-women led Los Angeles Transportation Committee held their first meeting in the community since the COVID-19 pandemic at the Michelle and Barack Obama Sports Complex.
Councilwoman Heather Hutt (CD 10) serves as chair of the Transportation Committee. Members include Councilwomen Traci Park, vice chair (CD 11), Eunisses Hernandez (CD 1), Nithya Raman (CD 4) and Katy Yaroslavsky (CD 5).
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss bicycling, bicycle safety, as well as bike equity in the City of Los Angeles. With traffic violence and death being at an all-time high, the Committee felt it necessary to make strong steps forward in ensuring the safety of pedestrians and cyclists when using city streets.
The agenda included taking action on a resolution, which was moved by Hutt and seconded by Park, to establish the city’s position regarding the 2023-24 State Legislative Program. The motion supports legislation that would require that bicycle and pedestrian safety be taught and included in all relevant areas of instruction and licensing of vehicle drivers. The motion passed during the meeting.
“The days of prioritizing people over cars are over,” said Hutt. “Our city is very committed to protecting our aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, and mothers and fathers as they travel, whether if that is for recreational use, or it’s getting to and from the workplace.”

Hutt continued, “As a sister to someone that was hit while riding their bike once, I know the importance of this work, and I stand with [the community] in [their] efforts to make sure our bicycle users are safe, and that their loved ones don’t have to live in fear.”
Many members of the community came out to support the city’s strides in creating more equity in mobility concerns.
“At our daycare at least five other families pick up their kids on bicycles, and getting home is an adventure every single day trying to get home safely,” Kim Perfetto, a resident of South Los Angeles and frequent bike-rider, said during public comment.
“[We need] more speed bumps and more slow streets…anything that can be done. We beg you for our children and our old people. who need to get across the street safe.”
A coalition of community-based nonprofits dedicated to creating a Los Angeles where all can move freely by foot, bike, wheel, or car, was in attendance to advocate for this effort. During public comment, members shared their feelings and experiences in regard to mobility justice and bike safety. Participating organizations included Los Angeles Walks, People for Mobility Justice, BikeLA, Slate Z, ACTLA, CicLAvia, SCOPE, Reciclos, and Tamika L. Butler Consulting.

Staff from the Office of the Chief Legislative Analyst and Our Street Action Committee gave presentations, and visionary Yolanda Davis-Overstreet screened part-two of her compelling documentary.
The documentary questions how safe are Black lives while riding their bikes and applies “Biking While Black” as a tool to help inform and discuss mobility justice issues.
“We’re inviting people to become advocates, so that we can have more seats at the table,” shared Davis-Overstreet. “This [documentary] is a tool for people who aren’t being heard and want to feel safer in terms of mobility.”
Councilmembers Hernandez and Yaroslavsky were also present and engaged the audience by asking questions and hearing recommendations on addressing and resolving community concerns around mobility justice.

“There’s no excuse,” said Hernandez. “The solutions are there, and we need to push for the funding. I hope that in this upcoming budget cycle, we can really dream big on managing the demands of our community because it’s not impossible.”
“There’s no excuse,” said Hernandez. “The solutions are there, and we need to push for the funding. I hope that in this upcoming budget cycle, we can really dream big on managing the demands of our community because it’s not impossible.”
The meeting ended with Agenda Items 3 and 4 being passed by the committee. Next, the CLA Report (Item 3) and the Resolution (4) will go before City Council for a vote.
To find out about future Committee Meetings or Meeting Agendas visit the City Clerk’s website: https://clerk.lacity.gov/.