U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland

Federal Government Providing Nearly $80 million to Combat Violent Crime in U.S.

In addition to the investments, Garland unveiled plans to deploy federal resources and prosecutors to cities disproportionately affected by violent crime, including St. Louis, Missouri; Jackson, Mississippi; and Hartford, Connecticut. He said the targeted deployments aim to support local law enforcement agencies and enhance collaboration in tackling crime hotspots.

Let Us Do It: A Prayer for the Special Counsel, U.S District Judge, DA, and Jurists

Let us humble our hearts and call on the name of Jesus for divine protection over our judicial system. O Lord, we pray for the many individuals involved with the four indictments and 91 charges against the former President of the United States. No one should endure threats, vicious attacks, or abusive degradation for their jobs as judges, lawyers, state, local, county officials, and jurists. We pray, especially for the Special Counsel Jack Smith, chosen by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. Let him not become weary in well doing. Guide him and order his steps in everything he does according

A Transformational President

It was much more than a political assessment when I declared 15 months ago that “we know Joe, and most importantly, Joe knows us.” Joe Biden is succeeding because of he understands the needs and aspirations of the American people. His bold and inclusive initiatives are restoring the faith of those who have been hardest hit by the current health and economic crises and raising the hopes of those who had already been hard hit by injustices in our society long before these crises struck.

DOJ Seeks to Clean up Police Departments Around the Country

“… if the U.S. Justice Department develops evidence that a local or state entity like a police department is failing to abide by the U.S. Constitution or other federal laws, it can go to federal court and seek an order of some kind requiring the entity to cease its illegal activity and perhaps implement some measures to prevent its recurrence,” Caitlin Kizielewicz, a spokesperson for the Crime and Justice Research Alliance, told NNPA Newswire.