Kam’s Kapsules: Weekly Previews That Make Choosing a Film Fun
For movies opening May 3, 2019:
For movies opening May 3, 2019:
Cuba is an example of a socialist nation. Its economy is state run and it lacks a stock exchange.” Bernie Sanders, former Presidential Candidate and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez call themselves Democratic socialist. … Merriam Webster’s-dictionary defines socialism as a form of society in which government owns or controls major industries. Marxist theory says socialism is transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism. Hot topics” today. Intelligent people want more insight into definitions.
It is clear now that the 45thpresident of the United States is knowingly or unwittingly a tool of the Russian government. But for many years before the dumpster fire in the White House came into office, the Kremlin has been wielding a secret weapon against the “land of the free.”
In 1949, a fight broke out at a dance in Twist, Kansas. During the melee, a barrel filled with kerosene, that had been lit earlier to warm the party, was knocked over. As flames licked the dance floor, B.B. King, a twenty-something musician, escaped into the cool Kansas night with the rest of the party goers. But King had forgotten his guitar inside. On that fateful night, risking his life, he ran back into the building to rescue his prized instrument.