SMC to Transition All Classes to Remote Learning Environment

Santa Monica College (SMC) has announced that all classes—including those that generally require in-person instruction, wherever possible—will transition to a remote learning environment, effective Wednesday, March 18, to limit the potential transmission of COVID-19. There are currently no confirmed cases of the coronavirus at SMC.

SMC Number One in Transfers to UC

  Haley Coleman is a Santa Monica College student who transferred to the University of Southern California this fall as a communication major. Santa Monica College maintains its hold as California’s No. 1 community college in transferring students to the prestigious University of California (UC) system, for the 25th consecutive year. This finding came from recent 2014-15 transfer data released by the University of California Information Center. SMC also held the top spot for transfers to the UC and the California State University (CSU) systems combined. SMC also topped in transfers for the number of African-American and Chicano/Latino students who

Santa Monica Names Kathryn Jeffery as its New President

The Santa Monica College Board of Trustees voted unanimously Tuesday, November 17 to appoint Kathryn E. Jeffery, PhD, as the new superintendent and president of Santa Monica College (SMC). Jeffery is currently president at Sacramento City College (SCC) and brings over three decades of higher education experience to the role of SMC’s Chief Executive Officer. Jeffery succeeds Chui L. Tsang who retired in June. A start date is being negotiated and it is expected that she will step into her new role in the spring of 2016. Jeffery Shimizu – who has been serving as SMC’s Interim president while the