
As Bitcoin goes mainstream, Wall Street looks to cash in

Love cryptocurrencies or hate the very idea of them, they’re becoming more mainstream by the day.

Cryptocurrencies have surged so much that their total value has reached nearly $2.5 trillion, rivaling the world’s most valuable company, Apple, and have amassed more than 200 million users. At that size, it’s simply too big for the financial establishment to ignore.

Black Investors Take Note: Reddit Rebellion Rescues GameStop Stock

The band of amateur day traders that interact with each other on the Reddit page WallStreetBets, encouraged whoever was listening to buy shares of the flailing GameStop, AMC, Macy’s and Koss stocks. Big investors, often in the form of hedge funds, frequently bet against struggling public companies using a process referred to as “shorting,” which allows investors to bet on the degree of misfortune a stock may experience and earn billions of dollars in profits as a result.