Pastors Share Reasons to be Thankful
The Sentinel asked a few local pastors to share some reasons that believers can be thankful despite the many challenges we face.
The Sentinel asked a few local pastors to share some reasons that believers can be thankful despite the many challenges we face.
New Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church will observe the 9th Pastoral Anniversary and Birthday Celebration of Pastor Sonja R. Dawson with two dynamic worship services. The Pre-Anniversary Celebration will be Wednesday, January 22, at 7 p.m. The Rev. Dr. Michael Fisher, senior pastor of Greater Zion Church Family in Compton will be the guest preacher. Also, Elder William E. Johnson III of Lighthouse Church of Houston will be the guest psalmist. On Sunday, January 26, at 7:30 a.m., the Rev. Lance Riley, senior pastor of The Neighborhood Church of Long Beach will preach. At 10:45 a.m., Evangelist Franchesca White, associate
New Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate the 8th Pastoral Anniversary and Birthday Celebration for Pastor Sonja R. Dawson with two dynamic worship celebrations. The Pre-Anniversary Celebration begins on Wednesday, Jan. 23, at 7 p.m., with Pastor E.V. Hill II of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles as guest preacher, as well as several guest pastors and ministries throughout the city. Also, Elder William E. Johnson III of Lighthouse Church of Houston, a spiritual son of New Mt. Calvary, will be the guest psalmist. On Sunday, Jan. 27, worship services will be held at 7:30 a.m., 10:45