performing arts

Paris Crayton III Brings Gritty, Powerful Drama to L.A. with ‘Brothers of Affliction’ 

“Brothers of Affliction” makes its West Coast debut at the Willie Agee Playhouse in Inglewood, running from March 14 to March 30, 2025. Written, produced, and directed by acclaimed playwright Paris Crayton III, this raw and unfiltered drama offers audiences an intimate look at Black male vulnerability, healing, brotherhood, trauma, and redemption. 

White Hall Arts Academy Named Finalist Again in Lewis Prize for Music Awards

White Hall Arts Academy have just been named as a finalist for the fifth annual Accelerator Awards from the Lewis Prize for Music. WHAA provides free and subsidized conservatory level transformative arts education programs to the South L.A., Inglewood, Watts, and Compton communities and online.

Tennessee Student is Centennial Scholar Recipient of Ossie Davis Scholarship

Earlier this month, after a rigorous selection process, the family of the late actors and activists, together with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), announced that Lane College senior, Jade Allen, is the recipient of the Ossie Davis Legacy Scholarship. “We are always motivated by mom and dad’s love of education and what a struggle it was for each of them to get higher education and the sacrifices that their parents made,” Davis Day told NNPA Newswire.