Becoming a People of the Resurrection in a Good Friday World – Part 1
When we decolonize the theology of White supremacy, resurrection can transform the United “Thief-dom” of America into the United “Kin-dom” of America.
When we decolonize the theology of White supremacy, resurrection can transform the United “Thief-dom” of America into the United “Kin-dom” of America.
As we of the Organization Us closeout a month-long celebration of our 56th anniversary, I want to reshare with you an article I previously wrote concerning the praise and practice of freedom. For it is in the five broad areas of our liberation struggle, i.e., education, mobilization, organization, confrontation and transformation, that freedom is liberating and liberated ground on which we stand.
Seba Malcolm said it, we saw it and history has proved it. Indeed, he taught that “of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research.” Likewise, Dr. W. E. B. DuBois stated that “We can only understand the present by continually referring to and studying the past.”
But in spite of this coming together of these factors to yield this important victory, let’s not imagine it’s more than it is. It is a major victory, but a single victory.
The racist public murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis has now added to a list of recent and historical victims of police violence and racist terrorism, including Devon Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arberry, Tamir Rice, Atatiana Jefferson, Philando Castile and numerous others. And as our people rise up in massive resistance seeking justice for these Black men, women and children, martyred on the altar of White supremacy, they serve as bright lights and fierce fires lifted up to show the way forward in struggle. Indeed, they call on us to intensify and continue the struggle against the radical evil of these murderous police and vigilante practices and against the savage system which sanctions and supports them and other related forms of oppression. And we owe it to ourselves and to our martyrs to continue the intensified struggle, keep the faith and hold the line until victory.
Scripture – Matthew 5:38-41 America is, in many respects, at an impasse. Time itself has found itself at the burgeoning of a new precipice. And if I was a philosopher like Hegel, I might summarize looking at the times that a new dialectic is emerging. If I was a philosophic critic like Derrida interpreting the signs of the times, I might postulate that what we see on display today is simply the falling away of modernity and the emergence of post-modernity. And beloved if I was a theologian like Karl Barth, I might describe our time as God breaking into
The National Newspaper Publishers Association pauses to express our heartfelt condolences to the family of Dick Gregory, and to express forthrightly on the public record our profound and enduring love, respect, and salute to the living legacy of Dick Gregory.
We can no longer afford to be entertained beyond the point of accountability
Author and scholar Ishmael Reed said the white supremacy Obama had to fight was diffused yet pervasive.
Indeed, we must find ourselves standing at the crossroads ever and again with Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass and all our other ancestors so positioned