Michelle Obama

HBCU Millennials Energized to Vote!

Believing in hope and the possibility of change, many historically Black institutions across the nation are taking the reins when it comes to increasing voter awareness and registration among their student body.

Former President Barack Obama Spotted at Jay Z and Beyonce Concert and Having Lunch with Joe Biden

Former President Barack Obama is making headlines but its not for collusion or obstruction of justice. Rather the former president has been showing off his dance moves at the Jay Z and Beyonce concert and politicking with his former VP Joe Biden. Take a look below: First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama spotted living there best life at the On the Run II Tour DC stop: President Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden spotted grabbing a bite to eat in DC:

15 Past and Modern Day Female Activists of Our Time 

Since the beginning of its inception, women have dedicated their lives to shaping and transforming America into the country we see today. This week, we kick-off the celebration of Women’s History Month by paying homage to a few women of color, who have rallied for change both locally and nationally.