
Play It Forward with Love, Peace, and Spades

2025 is the year of community and Kevito Clark, founder of Love, Peace, & Spades (LP&S), is facilitating free, donation-based community game night throughout Los Angeles. O

Jalen Blot: All About Love

L.A.-based filmmaker & Color Creative fellow Jalen Blot finds himself heavily drawn to the theme of love.

Words of the Week- Love and Sin, Both are the Answers!

Often, we hear people say, “if God is such a loving God, why does He allow bad things to happen?” The answer: He loves us so much that He gave us freewill and He won’t intervene unless we include Him in our affairs.

God is With Us 

Jesus was called Immanuel because He was the physical representation of this promise: “God with Us.” Because of this promise, we have the opportunity to live this life, and the next, as joint heirs with Christ.   

BET+ Collabs with CBC to Launch New Series, “The Porter”

BET+ and the Canadian Broadcasting Corportation (CBC) have come together to release a new series, “The Porter,” which highlights the creation of a Black worker’s union in the roaring twenties. Inspired by real life events, The Porter follows a group of about five characters who hustle, move mountains, and stop at nothing to make their dreams come true and fight for the much-deserved liberation of themselves and their people.

Words of the Week – Bearing the Fruits of Love and Free Will

God so loved us that He gave us free will. He created us in His image that He may have a relationship with us. It would not be much of a relationship if He created us to be robotic. He wants to know that our relationship with Him is voluntarily out of love and faith.

Choose Celebrity Over Humility if You Dare 

In order to honestly accept the reality of faith, I believe we must become naked in those things that God expects and adores submission, selflessness, humility, reverence, charity, love and more. We all know the world to be a cruel place for people who demonstrate these qualities. The world can be lethal for those it views as submissive and passive and humble.