Jacqueline Waggoner Confirmed for LAHSA Commission

Jacqueline Waggoner has been confirmed unanimously by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to serve on the 10-member Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) Commission, the agency’s governing board. She fills the term of Mike Neely, who resigned earlier this month.

Sentinel Endorses Yes on H

A human tragedy of major proportions has been growing steadily in Los Angeles County with no signs of declining, despite the slow but encouraging economic rebound from the Great Recession that hit our nation, state and local community with full force in 2009.

Funding the Fight Against Homelessness

Following the announcement of a 6 percent increase in the homeless population, Supervisors Mark Ridley-Thomas and Sheila Kuehl will ask the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday to seek authority for a potential ballot measure that would raise funding needed to address the crisis. The Board has been weighing options for raising the money needed to pay for programs to help the homeless, including a parcel tax, marijuana tax, transaction and use tax, redirection of Measure B revenue, and a tax on personal income exceeding $1 million per year. In order to preserve the last option, an amendment to State law