Jury Duty

Jury Trials in L.A. County Canceled for Rest of March

“Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, there will be a suspension of all jury trials, both those currently in progress, as well as those pending commencement, through March 30th. This notification applies to jury trials only,” the memo reads, according to CNN, which cited Los Angeles Police Department spokesperson Josh Rubenstein as confirming its contents.

Jury Reform Initiative Set to Hold National Conference in Los Angeles on July 28

  In an effort to address police misconduct and racial bias in the criminal justice system, the Jury Reform Initiative is launching a nationwide movement with a National Conference in Los Angeles on July 28, 2018 at 2pm at 120 South, Double Tree Conference Room BCD, Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. It will be open to the public and attendance is free. Please RSVP by visiting the website at www.JuryReformInitiative.com. The National Conference main presenter will be its director and founder Attorney Zulu Ali. Ali is a former Police Officer; U.S. Marine Corps veteran; Trial Attorney and Principal