Jesus Christ

Words of the Week – Turn the Other Cheek

To the youth readers, my prayer is that you all have been enjoying the Words of the Week I’ve been sharing with you. Writing to the youth throughout many communities has certainly been therapeutic for me. Being able to have this opportunity to speak directly and concisely to the youth is something I wouldn’t have even begun to envision, say, six years ago. It states in Matthew 5:38, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’” As Christians, we don’t always find a solution in using one insult to describe

Words of the Week – Preventing Identity Theft (A Reminder)

Jesus! There is so much identity theft taking place these days. According to two recent studies, about seven million people became victims of identity theft over a 12-month period. That calculates to 19,178 per day, 799 per hour, and 13 per minute! It is also reported that it takes victims an average of 600 hours to recover from this crime; often over a period of years. Some suggested preventive measures for identity theft include: limiting the amount of confidential information carried in your wallet; carrying no more blank checks than needed; keeping home files of bank and credit card accounts

Words of the Week – Get It Together Because He’s Holding It Together!

Dear Friend in Christ, Not only is Jesus responsible for creating all things, He is the reason all things continue to exist. He is the constant sustaining power in our lives.  He’s not only holding the universe together, but He’s also holding you. Scripture takes it to another level.  God is the gravitational center of purpose that pulls all the fragments of life into a cohesive whole.  He is the ongoing sustainer and center of all that is. The last phrase of Colossians 1:17 says, “In Him all things hold together.” When Paul uses the phrase, “All things by Him hold together,” he

Words of the Week – Who’s with You?

Scripture: Luke 5:18-26 An eagle egg was separated from its mother and found by a hen, who nurtured and cared for it until the moment it hatched. From the moment he was born, the little eagle realized that he was different from everyone else that he was around. The other chickens also noticed that he was different and so they made fun of the little eagle. The little eagle grew up hating how he looked and more importantly, he hated who he was. He lived each day praying and hoping that he could be more like a chicken. One day

Words of the Week – Ordinary and Unschooled But I Have Been with Jesus

Scripture – Acts 3: 13 The disciples, Peter and John, were considered ordinary men, untrained and unschooled in the perspective of the Jewish authorities of the day.  Unschooled, negatively, in that those who were educated looked down on them, turned their noses up at them and even bullied them. There’s somebody who knows what it feels like when somebody is looking down on you. Knows what it feels like to not belong, don’t exist, are not credible, and don’t matter because you do not measure up to their standards. It did no matter what you did, what you said or

Wendy’s Window-‘This Christmas’

I have a dear lifelong friend by the name of JC, who I recently reconnected with and during one of our conversations we were talking about how different religions are bold in sharing their faith, while others may be a little more reserved.  Recently, on a day when he happened to be home, some Jehovah’s Witnesses stopped by and knocked on his door.

Santa Isn’t Real, But You Still Get Presents

Before you call me Santa’s grumpy elf, I am writing to adults who no longer believe in Santa.  Or at least, they shouldn’t. As adults, we know that Santa isn’t real, but for our small children and grandchildren, we keep Santa as part of the family tradition because it’s fun playing along with the game. Thanks to the magic of TV Christmas specials, and holiday advertising–children all around the world believe in the man who knows if they’ve been naughty or nice. Whether the child has been naughty or nice, we, as parents, still deliver that special present they requested from Santa on their long Christmas lists. On

Watch: He’s Coming Back!

  The content and context of the sacred text is known as the Olivet Discourse as Jesus gave it on the Mount of Olives. This is a prophecy by Jesus about the end times. The celebration of Advent is to provide eschatological hope for believers that Jesus is coming back for us. We are watch for the return of Jesus, but serve until Jesus returns. Lesson one is to be on guard! The Bible says in Mark 13:32-33, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be

Words of the Week – Slipping Into Darkness

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1-12 In November 1971, the Rhythm & Blues group, War, released “All Day Music” and one of the songs on the album was entitled, “Slipping Into Darkness.” The song, written by War guitarist Howard Scott, was about the slippery slope between sanity and insanity. In an interview with “Song Facts,” Scott said how all of us have looked past the wall of sanity to insanity, but come back. But, some have been known to look and never come back. According to Scott, we start seeing certain things that are insane in a different way as though they

“His Only Begotten Son” Cantata

The 88th Street Temple Church of God In Christ is hosting “His Only Begotten Son” Musical Cantata on June 23 at 4:00P.M. Celebrate and Worship the Lord to the musical and artistic styles of the Sowers Christian Ministries  Worldwide as they perform the Cantata as given to Drs. Harold Johnson and Diana Johnson.