Jealousy and Envy and Covetousness

Words of the Week – Meet the Greens: Part 3

  Jealousy, the leader of the pack, the oldest of the Greens siblings, is a true monster. While Envy and Covetousness play havoc with the people around them, Jealousy sits and watches. The oldest sibling, Jealousy is devoted to doing whatever is necessary to accomplish the goal. “Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?”- Proverbs 27:4 One definition of the state of being jealous is described as “hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage.” “The Green-Eyed Monster” is very dangerous because it lives in blind rage. Jealousy is a subtle creature.

Words of the Week – Meet the Greens: Part 2

The Greens are a group you would do well to avoid because they cause too much trouble. They don’t bring anything positive to the table — just mess. If you’re coveting someone’s blessings, then Envy is sitting at your table, too — wanting your lunch instead their own. Envy is described as a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck. “A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.”- Proverbs 14:30 How many people do you know that live in a funk, obsessing over what somebody in their

Words of the Week – Meet the Greens: Part 1

  You ever met the Greens? You know, those three siblings that crashed the party last year? I don’t know how you could forget them … they caused all that havoc and had everyone at each other’s throat — it was a mess. You still don’t remember? Well, don’t worry, odds are you will meet them again. The Greens, or as they are more commonly known by most, Jealousy, Envy and Covetousness, are bad news. There is nothing more dangerous or sinister than this triple threat. They often travel together, holding hands within the heart. Their roots go deep and