L.A. Creates Prime Contractor Opportunities for Small, Local, and Diverse Contractors

Under an innovative and model “community level contracting” (CLC) program that aims to create prime contractor opportunities for small, local, and diverse construction contractors, the City of Los Angeles has issued a list of over 30 such contractors who are eligible to receive work packages of up to $150,000 each for vital sidewalk construction and repair services. 

State Sen. Holly Mitchell, MLK CEO Joined Cherished Futures for Black Moms & Babies Workshop for Deep Dive Discussion on Birth Inequities in Los Angeles

The Honorable Holly J. Mitchell delivered opening remarks and discussed SB 464, the California Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act. Mitchell shared how she authored the bill and shepherded its passage. She also shared her vision for respectful, equitable maternity care especially for Black mothers, and her steadfast support and call to action for perinatal care providers.

Community Lenten Caravan Ends with Donations to Worthy Causes

The Community Lenten Caravan (CLC), a series of services hosted by eight AME churches, concluded the April 17 worship at Bethel AME-L.A. by assisting others. Continuing their long tradition, the pastors of the sponsoring churches presented financial donations to the Long Beach/Lakewood Department of Children and Family Services and the Rev. Dr. Francine Brookins, pastor of Bethel AME in Fontana and a candidate for bishop in the AME Church. Bishop Clement W. Fugh, presiding prelate of the AME Church Fifth Episcopal District, was also on hand to congratulate the recipients and lend support to Brookins’ candidacy. “Francine has a tremendous