Black Fact of the Day: January 15 – Brought to you by Black365
January 15: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader in the Civil Rights era was born in Atlanta, GA, 1929
January 15: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader in the Civil Rights era was born in Atlanta, GA, 1929
Even now, Trump and his campaign have specifically sought to have officials toss out all votes cast in heavily African American populated cities like Atlanta, Detroit, and Milwaukee. It is a tactic used since, during, and after Reconstruction: disenfranchise Blacks and the poor.
Violent episodes were the exceptions and not the rule of the massively spreading Sit-in Movement.
The 19th Amendment was adopted Aug. 18, 1920, after the required number of states ratified the constitutional measure. Though many Black women led suffrage campaigns, the 19th Amendment put white women on an empowerment tract to electoral engagement. Interestingly, the suffrage movement, festooned in the symbolic color white, is often portrayed through a narrow window uncomplicated by the strictures of race and power that framed the Amendment then and now.
After 114 years of using ink on paper to deliver news that informs, educates and empowers the African American community throughout the Windy City, Real Times Media, parent company of the Chicago Defender, has announced that the Chicago Defender will move to a digital-only format with its July 11 edition. The final printed edition will be delivered Wednesday, July 10.
“Presidential elections and the voter experience have long been fraught for black people. From racist poll taxes to made-up literacy tests to the egregious rollback of voting rights over the past 50 years, American democracy has, at times, felt like a weird and failed social experiment.” —Patrisse Cullors
Many Blacks, perhaps most, initially considered challenging Obama’s decisions sacrilegious, and more than a few continued to regard him as an icon to be neither properly critiqued nor criticized. Although increasingly concerned with his decisions, Blacks also needed to be concerned about ineffective Black leadership in general, especially in light of the daunting challenges in the 21st century.