
buying power

Black Automotive Media Group (BAMG) Hosts Discussions with Nation’s Automakers Over Lack of Inclusion

The BAMG feels that addressing these pillars is crucial to reversing decades of exclusion that Black automotive journalists have faced. As a result of the letter, all manufacturers responded, and a series of video calls were executed. The conversations were informative and sometimes uncomfortable, and souls on both sides of the discussions were bared. “We need to be an adequate part of the solution,” said one automaker. “We need a strategic corporate reset,” said another.

The Color of Money: Reaping the Dividends of Entrepreneurship

“So our people not only have to be reeducated to the importance of supporting black business, but the black man himself has to be made aware of the importance of going into business. And once you and I go into business, we own and operate at least the businesses in our community. What we will be doing is developing a situation wherein we will actually be able to create employment for the people in the community.” – Malcolm X, “The Ballot or the Bullet,” April 12, 1964 Sarah Breedlove was born to sharecroppers on a plantation in Louisiana. Breedlove-later known

“Your Untold Story – Learn Why It Matters to Nielsen At Taste of Soul”

Over the past few months, one thing has become abundantly clear about the way the United States views the Black community: our whole story is not being told.  When media outlets present viewers and readers with only prison statistics or poverty rates, those sources are promoting only a sliver of the truth. That’s why Nielsen, the global company that measures what consumers watch, listen to and buy, committed this year to pulling back the curtain.  The fifth annual report on Black consumers, titled “Increasingly Affluent, Educated, and Diverse: The Untold Story,” offers exciting and empowering insights in all areas of