Bureau of Labor Statistics

A Green California Won’t Be Built by Black Workers If State Doesn’t Do Better

California must act now to confront today’s Black job crisis. The Bureau of Labor Statistics last year reported that 90% of the nation’s unemployed U.S. citizens are Black Americans. And despite being less than 10% of LA’s population, Black people comprise more than a third of its unhoused residents.

AFL-CIO Report Exposes Deepening Racial Disparities in Workplace Safety

The AFL-CIO, a coalition representing 12.5 million workers across various unions, has released its 33rd annual report, “Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect,” uncovering troubling racial disparities in workplace safety. The report’s findings, based on the most recent data available, underscore the urgent need for policymakers, regulatory bodies, and employers to confront the disproportionate rates of fatalities, injuries, and illnesses faced by workers of color

WATCH: Sarah Sanders Has to Admit She Lied about Obama, Can’t Confirm or Deny if Trump Used or Uses “N” Word

In Tuesday’s Whitehouse press briefing Sarah Sanders lied once again from the podium about increased jobs for African American’s  under the Trump administration vs. the Obama administration. She also had enough sense not confirm or deny Trump’s use of the “N” word. The back and forth between the press secretary and reporters was in response to Trump calling Omarosa a “dog” in a tweet and his constant racist comments towards minorities. She later took to twitter to give a “sorry but not sorry” apology. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 18.4 million African-Americans working when Obama left