
NBA Legend Co-Authors Debut Adult Novel

NBA icon Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, along with author Anna Waterhouse wrote a fiction novel titled “Mycroft Holmes”. The two authors held a book-signing event at the Barnes and Noble in the Grove Farmers Market on Sunday. The title character, Mycroft Holmes, is the brother of the famous fictional character Sherlock Holmes, according to Abdul-Jabbar. “If you ever read the original group of stories, the shorter stories, and the novels, Mycroft is mentioned a number of times, six or seven times, but never into any depth,” said Abdul-Jabbar. “We don’t really know what he does on the daily basis or how he

‘Moving Forward: A New Take on Biblical Teachings’

Imagine the concept of a piñata, many people attempt to make contact in hopes of releasing the goodies inside but it only takes that one person with just enough force and precise measurement to be rewarded. Author, Stephanie Ike, has proven with her new book release of Moving Forward that she has the perfect bat capable of revealing just what the modern day followers of Christ need in order to keep pressing. Her precise depiction of the testaments God has set for us is the surprise nuggets we all expect to receive when we step up for that swing at the big piñata called Life.