100th birthday

Influential Nurse and Community Activist Celebrates 100th Birthday

Community Activist Stella Pecot Robinson, RN, PhD celebrates her 100th birthday on August 25th, 2022. Her journey has been marked by numerous academic achievements and personal triumphs. Her work as a nurse has been influential, and she has lived and taught in states throughout the country.

Zoe of L.A. Celebrates Jewell Howard’s 100th Birthday

Jewell Howard, a member of Zoe Christian Fellowship of Los Angeles since 1998, turned 100-years-old on May 16. A birthday celebration was held for her on Sunday, May 26 after Zoe’s morning service. Born in Temple, Texas on May 16, 1919, Ms. Howard was the second of five children. After she finished high school in 1937, she moved to Los Angeles. In 1943, Ms. Howard attended beauty college and worked as a beautician until she was 98-years-old. During the last 10 years of her career, she operated her own salon. When asked what she attributed to her long, healthy life,

Celebration of Fannie Lou Hamer’s 100th Birthday

Crumble expressed that he was the first in his family to attend college; he was ready to give up in his first semester due to an unfriendly atmosphere and a feeling of disconnect, until an African Studies class in womanism introduced him to Hamer.