Five City Council Members Vote to Delay Historic Vote
Claiming to act in transparency, five members of Los Angeles City Council voted to delay the appointment of Heather Hutt as the temporary voting representative for Council District 10.
Claiming to act in transparency, five members of Los Angeles City Council voted to delay the appointment of Heather Hutt as the temporary voting representative for Council District 10.
: Council Districts (CDs) 8, 9 and 10 saw minimal changes in the final draft map to be submitted to the Los Angeles City Council by the Redistricting Commission. The adopted draft map, which passed by a 15-6 vote, featured adjustments to the three CDs with the city’s highest numbers of voting age African Americans. Most notably, Exposition Park is now located in CD 8.
“Keep communities together” was repeatedly expressed by residents during the last two public hearings hosted by the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission.
Mothers In Action’s highly anticipated 23rd Annual Back to School Health Fair & Supply Giveaway efforts did not disappoint.
“Vaccinate now” is the mandate from Los Angeles-area federal, state and local elected officials, who united on August 12 to implore African Americans and Latinos to receive the shot to counteract the latest surge in COVID-19 infections.
June 15, 2021 is a new historical benchmark; California has officially lifted COVID-19 restrictions that were in place since March 2020.
Councilmember Curren Price is excited about the opportunities that have been created in the City’s latest budget, which re-allocates over $165 million to those in Los Angeles who are and have historically been underserved and under-resourced.
Congressional Black Caucus Chair Hon. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) and California Congresswoman Hon. Karen Bass (D-CA) will keynote a national autism conference on Saturday, April 10, 2021 sponsored by California-based autism and social justice organization Special Needs Network (SNN).
Dr. King’s belief in non-violence as a moral and political basis for achieving the “Dream” he envisioned did not include a passive or patient acceptance of a lower place in society. He knew this would be a multi-generational quest for our freedom, and prophetically told us that we would eventually get to the mountain top even if he were unable to be there with us.