Search Results for: CD 10 Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thoma

Black Lines Matter: The Fight Over Redistricting Lines in Los Angeles

: Council Districts (CDs) 8, 9 and 10 saw minimal changes in the final draft map to be submitted to the Los Angeles City Council by the Redistricting Commission. The adopted draft map, which passed by a 15-6 vote, featured adjustments to the three CDs with the city’s highest numbers of voting age African Americans. Most notably, Exposition Park is now located in CD 8.

What would Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. say about the State of America if he were alive today?

Dr. King’s belief in non-violence as a moral and political basis for achieving the “Dream” he envisioned did not include a passive or patient acceptance of a lower place in society. He knew this would be a multi-generational quest for our freedom, and prophetically told us that we would eventually get to the mountain top even if he were unable to be there with us.