Uplifted guests and grateful scholarship recipients gathered to celebrate the Association of Black Women Physicians’ 35th Annual Charity and Scholarship Benefit held at the JW Marriott-L.A.LIVE on October 1. The atmosphere was eloquent and warm with KJLH’s host Adai Lamar as Mistress of Ceremony and a welcome by ABWP President Dr. Valencia Walker who acknowledged the numerous founding members who were present. The event was meticulously chaired by Dr. Ana Lopes Johnson.

CBS2 Emmy award-winning co-anchor Pat Harvey received the Humanitarian of the Year Award for her commitment to promoting healthy communities.She has reported and testified on Pap smear errors, breast cancer, domestic violence and other issues that affect all women, especially women of color. Her role and journey follow her advice to “pursue your true passion and you will be successful”.

Dr. Alice Tolbert Coombs was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for breaking diversity barriers in the medical profession. She is a critical care specialist and an anesthesiologist, the current and first African American woman President of the New England Medical Association and Past-President of the Massachusetts Medical Society. She began her journey in Compton, CA, received her medical degree from UCLA and followed her own advice to “listen to the environment around you and make a difference in someone else’s life. Healthcare disparities persist”.
ABWP gave special recognition to The Diamond in the RAW Foundation for transforming the lives of foster care and at-risk teen girls. The invocation was reverently delivered by Efe Chantal Ghanney a Yale graduate and senior medical student rotating in Los Angeles for advanced training.
Dr. LaTanya Hines, ABWP Scholarship Chair, presented eight outstanding medical students with very competitive scholarships. The recipients are Bianca Carson, Kindred Harris, Tamandra Morgan, Maureen Nwaokoro, Ozioma Obiwuru, Etuajie Oiyemhonian, Adia Scrubb and Shannon Sullivan.
Special guests in attendance included State Assemblymember Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, L.A. City Councilmember Curren Price, Medical Board of California member Jamie Wright, JD, Charles R. Drew Medical Society President Dr. Anne Staveren, Miller-Lawrence Medical Dental Society President Dr. Lemon McMillan, American Heart Association Regional Director Tiffany McDaniel and many other distinguished guests who traveled from all parts of the United States.
This memorable evening was perfected throughout with musical performances by internationally recognized Crystal Penny. This Star Gala truly celebrated ABWP’s spectacular past and illuminated a brighter future.