Are You Getting Mo’ Better?

They say we are not just another year older, but another year wiser.  They also say we are not getting older; we are getting better.  I must admit I have gotten wiser and better at understanding and internalizing that tomorrow is not promised and we truly do not know what the day may bring.

Let Us Rethink this Recall?

On September 14, 2021 Californians are going to have a special election to vote if Governor Gavin Newsom should be recalled. A recall is a way the public can attempt to remove an elected public official from office before the end of their term of office.  California is one of 20 states that allows voters to recall their governor.

Violence Towards Black Females Continues

Death is tragic, but when it is someone you know it is even more devastating. I along with many others are still in shock after hearing about the senseless murder of Michelle Avan.  This shining light and rising star was murdered.

Wendy’s Window – False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR)

Recently my husband and I were sitting in the backyard enjoying a midsummer night evening and it happened, out of nowhere he says, “Wendy what role has fear played in your life?’  I was startled, stunned, and shocked by this dart to the heart question.

August 5, 2021 – Peace of Mind

In both good and bad times one of my saving graces has always been to read scripture.  Reading the bible gives me peace and comfort.  When we pray, we talk to God, when we read the bible God talks to us.  One of my favorite verses is Mark 8:36 which says, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”  I have interpreted this to mean if you spend your life chasing after pleasure, position, possessions, prestige, personal wealth, or power it is meaningless.  Even if you secure these earthly

Wendy’s Window – July 29, 2021 – Hard Work Pays Off.

Something has happened in society that I have noticed over the last few years and that is many people believe work is hard and they do not want to do it.  I am proud to say that I have always had a good work ethic.  My grandmother instilled in me at an early age that the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. She used to always say, “the early bird gets the worm.”  She would tell me that someone may have more talent than me, but no one should ever out work me.  I heard my

Wendy’s Window July 15, 2021 – Life Choices

One of the things that I have realized in my life is that the choices I made yesterday defined who I am today.  I will be the first to admit that some of the choices I have made were not always best for me.  However, many of the choices I made impacted my life positively.

Do You Really Know What You Want?

For the past 15 years I have had the privilege and pleasure of writing for the Los Angeles Sentinel, and it is always rewarding when someone shares with me how much they enjoyed or learned from one of my articles.

A Set Back Can Be a Good Position For a Come Back

One of our own was thrown in the deep end a few years ago but he refused to drown, and like a phoenix he is rising.  His name is Tavis Smiley.  Tavis was born in Mississippi, raised in Indiana, but calls Los Angeles his home. 

Wendy’s Window – Two Days to Remember and Never Forget

June 20th is Father’s Day, the day we celebrate the 70 million fathers in the United States. The reason this day plays a pivotal role in my life is because of the tumultuous relationship I had with my father had a chance to be restored before his death.  Without going into detail my father was not always there for me when I needed him most and his lifestyle in my formative years was quite questionable.

Wendy’s Window

The death of George Floyd ignited several new movements including how people, cities, and the country are looking at reforming police tactics and the delivery of police services.  In Los Angeles there is a loud cry to reimagine how the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and public safety should operate.