Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson and Brotherhood Crusade Chairman Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. display LADWP information on water and energy conservation. (Courtesy photo) (Courtesy photo)

As we begin a new year and start making resolutions, consider making a pledge to promote better energy efficiency and water conservation in your homes and workplaces.

Some of these new and easy-to-do resolutions could be the following:

  • Shut off faucet while brushing teeth, shaving or washing dishes
  • Use LED bulbs and turn them off when not in use
  • Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120°F). You’ll not only save energy, you’ll avoid burning your hands
  • Check air conditioner and heater filters monthly
  • Run only full loads in the dishwasher or washing machine
  • Contact LADWP for financial assistance and rebate programs ( &

Brotherhood Crusade has been working closely with LADWP and the South Los Angeles community over the past several years helping to educate and promote ways and ideas for youth, young people, families and the residents to reduce their energy and water use to benefit the environment and help manage their utility bills.

To support this endeavor, Brotherhood Crusade has established Youth and Environment Ambassadors and Interns that are working to inform their peers and residents, virtually and safely in-person, about public health issues and topics relating to both water and energy.  The students will also share conservation tips that could result in lower utility bills.

Charisse Bremond Weaver, Brotherhood Crusade president and CEO recently commented, “We are excited about our on-going partnership with LADWP because it enables us to continue the journey we started to instill water and energy conservation awareness in the students in our program and nurture them to go into our communities to advocate this important environmental platform.”

Jeff Logan, Brotherhood Crusade LADWP program coordinator added, “As more people are working and attending school remotely and are home, they are using more utilities, especially electricity and other energy resources.

“These simple awareness tips will help our community residents save money. These small changes will have big results.”

To find out more about ways to reduce energy and conserve water and qualify for low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators as well as other conservation tips, contact Jeff Logan at