The start of Black History Month facilitated a coming together of Mothers In Action (MIA), Taste of Soul, Brotherhood Crusade, CORE Services and the Los Angeles Sentinel. In collaboration with the L.A. County Department of Public Health, they hosted a Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic and COVID-19 testing site.
On Tuesday, February 1, free Pfizer Vaccines were administered to ages five and up in the rear parking lot of the Los Angel Sentinel. As a way to help the community, protect themselves and their loved ones from the COVID-19 virus, boosters such as Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna were available. CORE Services conducted the testing.
During the process, members of the community took time to share their thoughts of the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine. “Live and let live. If you don’t get your shot, you’re taking a huge risk of getting sick,” said a community member, signing in at the MIA booth.
“We used to not have an option. People aren’t proud of their communities anymore and move very selfishly. I know getting the vaccine is right. I want to protect my family and my community,” confirmed a voice from the event.
The COVID-19 winter surge has impacted people of all age groups and has brought heavier challenges particularly to people of color. Only seven percent of people ages 65 and older who received a booster shot are Black.
“The African American community and people of color are dying unnecessarily and disproportionately than other communities because we are not vaccinated. It is imperative that the African American community and people of color get vaccinated because we are the first ones to be denied hospital beds, sent home by hospitals when we are having COVID-19 related respiratory issues, and not offered the lifesaving treatments offered to other patients.
“We don’t always have time to make it back to the hospital before COVID-19 claims our lives, so we must be proactive in reduction or prevention of hospitalizations and death by getting vaccinated,” said MIA President, Tracy Mitchell.
All participating event sponsors urge those who have not been vaccinated to get vaccinated immediately. Mothers In Action has made it their mission to get as many people vaccinated and tested as they can. Since the vaccine’s availability in 2020, MIA has been providing a multitude of opportunities to keep people of color safe.
For future scheduling of vaccines, boosters, and COVID-19 testing, please email Mothers In Action for more information at [email protected].