Discussing Remnants of George Floyd Justice in Policing Act
Change is in the air, as people from all over the globe marched for weeks in the name of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many more lives that were taken inhumanely. The streets cried for justice and protection reform, Los Angeles City Mayor Eric Garcetti spoke with Representative and Chair of Congressional Black Caucus Karen Bass and together they explored what needs to actively change within the community to meet the needs of the people.
June 23 also commemorates another life being laid to rest too early, Rayshard Brooks life ended by the hands of a policemen. His funeral was live from Atlanta on Tuesday, the mayor described this meeting as no better way to honor Brook’s homecoming.
“Its our job to take this debate over justice and policing out of a partisan lens and bring it to the ground level, to ask where do we go from here…and start answering with action.”
Garcetti acknowledge the tough history between the black community and police force, he shared that there has been progress but there is still milestones ahead. There progression was shown within daily protocol for law enforcement, banning of chokeholds, de-escalation training, and oversight surveillance for the police department. The mayor stated, “Its not enough, but it’s a start.”
Tuesday, local and national leaders examined ways to build trust between the community and policing efforts. Looking at law enforcement in its entirety, the mayor is planning steps to divide social emergencies from the police force, when the situation calls for more mental health assistance. Garcetti has a goal for law enforcement to be the guardians of the city, not emergency social workers.
Mayor Garcetti reiterated current alterations within the city budget, he announced the adjustment on June 10. Garcetti has vowed to review and funnel 250-million dollars from the city budget to be adjusted towards prioritizing underserved communities. “We’re changing our budget to make investments where we need them, 250-million dollars to start, in communities of color, for youth, for folks who are underbanked, and those who don’t have the same healthcare, to deal with mental health.”
There is a vision to “co-create” public safety, the mayor described community leadership bringing in diverse perspectives together to the table, in hopes of designing a shared language that influences future decisions about the neighborhood’s infrastructure.
Karen Bass stated, “L.A. is leading the way along with many other cities in already banning things that should be banned, such as the chokehold, the No-Knock Warranty.” Bass explained there should be a national registry for problematic police officers, recent death of Tamir Rice could have been prevented. “….We think of several of the incidences that have happened over the last few years, if we had clear accountability, if we were able to upgrade policing and if you think about it, police should be accredited, there should be national standards.”
Representative Bass presented the significance of the current bill in process, the George Floyd Policing in Justice Bill looks to provide grants for communities. Those funds will be put towards the reconstruction of public safety.
The bill also looks at qualified immunity, Bass stated, “You saw the slow torturous murder of George Floyd that Provided the catalyst for this new movement. That officer looked straight at the camera with his hand in his pocket with complete impunity, that should never happen.” Representative Bass stated the Justice in Policing Act will challenge immunity standards for prosecuting, taking willful intent to reckless. Looking at “willful intent” critically, there is no accuracy in measuring what may be in someone’s mind. Wednesday the senate will vote on whether to discuss the bill. The Justice for George Floyd and all lives that follow him continues through the house on Thursday, to push for the bill to reach the Presidents Desk.