Pastor Byron Smith is led by faith. It is that faith that causes him to step boldly into the future, unsure if his step is steady. Like a mountain climber, who climbs his first peak, wondering if the rock will crumble in his grip, but sure in his decision to pick the correct handholds, Pastor Smith rests his moves in the hands of his Lord and savior. So far, his Lord has guided his steps to sure ground, even though the world crumbled behind him.
Pastor Smith now prepares for his first Baptismal Celebration hosted by Greater Faith Missionary Baptist Church. His once fledgling ministry has grown strong under his leadership.
“Lifting the Veil came to me in a vision in 2008 while writing papers in an Evangelism class at Claremont School of Theology,” said Pastor Smith. “Lifting the Veil Ministries places emphasis on having a relationship with God through spirituality, education, and social activism.”
That vision is of transforming lives and the church by encouraging the people at Lifting The Veil ministries to learn who God is, what has done, what God is doing right now and to remain excited about what God is going to do in the days to come.
In December 2013, 25 people joined the ministry at its first organizing service. Since then, 117 people have united with Lifting the Veil Ministries.
Pastor Smith invites greater Los Angeles to attend on Sunday, May 22, at 3:30 p.m., when 14 new members of Lifting The Veil will be baptized. The service will take place at Greater Faith Missionary Baptist Church, 10441 South Vermont Avenue in Los Angeles.
To learn more about Lifting The Veil Ministries, call Pastor Smith at (310) 906-8510.