Clean clothes, a refreshing shower and a hot meal are a few things that many of us take for granted. On Thursday, September 20, Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson organized ‘Laundry of Love’ a Day of Homeless Service in Watts.
Mr. and Mrs. Martel Loving, proprietors of Just For You Laundry at 10723 Compton Ave. in Watts opened their doors to homeless individuals and families to allow them the complimentary use of washers and dryers.
As attendees waited for their clothes to dry, they were invited to walk a very short distance to Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, 10905 Compton Ave. for delicious meals; showers; vaccination; dental kits; HIV testing; Hepatitis vaccines; feminine supplies; music and a wide array of resources.
“While the city, state and federal governments are working towards housing solutions, we can all do something to help those in need,” said Assemblymember Gipson. “Many people are just one pay check away from being homeless. I look at the homeless families and know that the child that we help today may be the child that saves us tomorrow.”
A young woman by the name of Mystra said that she has been unsuccessfully seeking employment for over eight years. She was working at a warehouse when she was laid off and has worked temporary jobs as a personal chef; tour guide for mountain excursions and as an inspirational coach for various sports teams. She still has hope that things will get better.
Mystra said that “simple kindness such as what was shown means that someone really does care.”
Partners and sponsors included Children’s Institute; Watts Coffee House; Watts Healthcare; L.A. County Public Health; L.A. County Mental Health; Sisters of Watts; Watts Century Latino Organization; Watts Leadership Institute/ Karrah Lompa; Watts Gang Task Force; LAPD Southeast Station Community Safety Partnership; Deserving of Dignity; New Mt. Calvery; Tree of Life; St. Mark AME Church; L.A. Christian Health Centers; Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority; PATH; and the Housing Authority of Los Angeles.