L.A. County delivered new information behind the efforts of moving forward through a viral pandemic. Earlier this week, many firms were approved to open with social distancing guidelines in place to manage the spread of COVID-19. Public officials share the responsibility of systemic racism, admitting the need for a “multi-sector” line of defense. The Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer shared the latest news surrounding the numbers behind COVID-19 infection and widespread of the virus within the Los Angeles Region.
As of Friday, June 12 Los Angeles Director of Public Health Dr. Barbara Ferrer shared a report on the city’s spread of coronavirus. It is still highly encouraged to practice physical distancing, wearing a mask, and Hand sanitation. Statistics show people are still contracting the virus, and the overall community death rate is still in the double digits.
latest numbers surrounding coronavirus shared on June 12, reflected 20 additional deaths, 14 of these individuals were between the ages of 65 and over, 13 of them with underlining health conditions. One person who died were between the ages of 41-65, with preexisting health concerns. This brings the total COVID-19 related deaths in the L.A. County to 2,832.
The relationship between COVID-19 infection and ethnicity were provided. The racial background collected from 2,629 fatal cases shown 11% were African American, 17% were Asian, slightly less than 1% were Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 41% were LatinX, 29% were white, and 1% identified as a different race or ethnicity. 14% of all positive cases were hospitalized at some point, 93% of those who died due to COVID-19 had preexisting health concerns. Over 700,000 people have been tested for COVID-19, and 8% resulted in contracting the virus. Ferrer stated, “The Board of Supervisors heard and unanimously carried a motion authored by Hilda Solis and Kuehl entitled, A Just and Equitable Response to the disparities illuminated by the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
Ferrer disclosed on Wednesday, there were 1,633 new COVID-19 reports. In summary, there is a total amount of 70,476 coronavirus cases in the Los Angeles region. 2,512 incidents were reported in the city of Long Beach and 1,023 cases in the city of Pasadena. Amid the unsheltered, there were 488 positive cases, 211 victims were temporarily housed in a shelter and have been properly isolated. There have been two additional deaths among people who are experiencing homelessness due to COVID-19. There has been a total amount of 15 deaths among this population.
Ferrer touched on the responsibility her department has taken to eradicate the systemic racism taking place, “ I want to extend my deep appreciation and support in calling out racism as the public health issue, and this is magnified during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Most importantly, Racism is a problem that is best addressed through a multi-sector response like the one that is outlined in the motion that builds upon the strengths and relationships with many different partners, within and beyond government.” With the support of the motion proposed by supervisor Solis and Supervisor Kuehl, there is now a focus on underserved communities. The goal is to work from all sides of the system to build a bridge into equality, and a better quality of life for all.