Wendy Gladney Dean
Wendy Gladney Dean

My Dearest Freddie

There’s nothing like the relationship between a mother and her children. With each child you develop a unique union based on their individual personalities and idiosyncrasies. What may occur between a mother and a daughter is definitely different than what develops between a mother and her son. My heart is full as I sit to write this letter to you the morning of your wedding day. I pray you receive it with all the love I have for you in my heart.

Life is full of swift transitions and time passes so fast. It seems like it was just yesterday that you were born and I was holding you in my arms. You have always been a true bundle of joy with lots of energy, charisma and charm. As a little boy you oftentimes would walk around with a frown on your face, but when you would open up and give the world your smile you could brighten up any room. I remember when you were in grade school and you struggled with stuttering and you asked me, “Mommy what’s wrong, why do I talk like that?” I remember telling you nothing is wrong and don’t worry God will work it out just slow down and gather your thoughts. Well God did work it out and today you not only speak eloquently, but you speak volumes into the lives of people God puts in your path.

As I pause and look back over your life to this point you have ventured out to try many things. Growing up you tried different sports such as basketball, football, baseball or track and although you never went on to play professionally in any of these areas you gave it your best and you were a star in my eyes. You also went on to try various forms of music taking up different instruments and then one day in college while you were on stage with your fellow Kappa Alpha Psi brothers I heard you sing with a voice that was music to my ears. I remember talking about where you would eventually go to college and when you decided on attending the University of California Irvine it gave you the freedom to go and spread your wings, but still close enough when you needed my hand.

I know that life has thrown our family a few curve balls and we’ve experienced some ups and downs along the way, but I want you to know that I am truly proud of you from the depths of my heart. As a little boy you asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior and if you keep Him the center of your life you will always be alright. Freddie, you have stayed the course and although your race is not finished you have been faithful and true. A mother could not ask for a better son.

I don’t know what the future holds, but I definitely know who holds the future. I am sure God has so much more in store for you and now you will have a wife that will hold your hand and will be with you every step of the way. One day hopefully you will have children of your own and besides me having the joy of being a grandmother, you will understand a love that only comes from being a parent. You are my son in whom I am well pleased.

I will close with the prayer that I taught you and Courtney since you were little kids, “Always remember you are a Christian and a Gladney and your mother loves you with all her heart!”

Healing Without Hate: It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. Pass it on!

Visit www.WendyEnterprises.com and www.forgivingforliving.org. Wendy is a coach, consultant and speaker. You may email her at wendy@wendyenterprises.com. Wendy is featured on Radio Free 102.3 KJLH on Front Page with Dominique DiPrima Thursday Mornings @ 4:30am.