
30% of the Population in the L.A. Juvenile Correctional Facilities have been released, due to COVID-19

Monday, April 13. The Los Angeles Emergency Operation Center welcomed L.A. Chief Ray Leyva to speak on behalf of the L.A. Probation Department. Conditions and protocols were disclosed amid the COVID-19 crisis, that is affecting every part of the Los Angeles city Infrastructure. Director of Public Health provided revised data surrounding the cases of coronavirus.

L.A. County Fire Chief Daryl L. Osby Hosts Coronavirus Q&A on Instagram Live

During that chat, he also formally announced the launch of a new program that will allow first responders in L.A. County to virtually correspond with healthcare providers and receive real-time advice on how a patient with mild symptoms of COVID-19 can treat at home. Referred to as the Telemedicine Program, the video-conferencing tool is being used to minimize exposure and alleviate the volume of responses to those with mild symptoms while providing at-home solutions for care and recovery.

Two Trillion-dollar federal relief bill passed through senate; Los Angeles County Officials provide projected update surrounding Corona Virus Pandemic

Thursday, March 26. Chairwoman of the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, Kathryn Barger and Chair Pro Tem, Hilda Solis collaborate with the L.A. Public Health Department to disclose new developments regarding the COVID-19 virus. Considering the relief bill that passed through senate with no opposed vote, Los Angeles city officials decipher what this will mean for L.A. residents during this time of crisis.

Mayor Garcetti Shows Poise and Strength During COVID-19 Crisis

As many have said over the past several weeks, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and America’s response to it has been fluid and constantly changing.   While Washington D.C. has struggled to come up with a plan and the president flip-flops on the message, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has been consistent, steadfast and action-filled as Los Angeles works to control this ever-evolving crisis.

New L.A. city order passed, “Safer at Home, Stay at Home”

Thursday, March 19. county and city officials gathered to explain new California Executive Order N-33-20, also known as, “Safer at Home, Stay at home” order. The new state regulation mandates all non-essential businesses to comply with social distancing guidelines by closing, secondary businesses in L.A. will be closed until April 19, with a possibility of an extension. The Safer at home, stay at home order suspends “any public or private gatherings of any size that would occur outside of a single home.” There are occupations exempt from the juridical act of the stay home order. Jobs such as emergency personnel, first responders, and government employees are permitted to go to work in order to keep the city’s infrastructure. Mayor Garcetti expressed this “new way of living” will be beneficial for overall health and human preservation, it will also provide support in flattening the curve of the spread COVID-19.