Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated announced that its recently inducted President Cheryl A. Hickmon has passed away. In a message sent out by the organization, it was confirmed that Hickmon’s passing came after a battle with a recent illness.
Cheryl Hickmon was inducted in the Alpha Xi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta on the campus of South Carolina University. She graduated from the South Carolina University in 1984 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology.
Hickmon had been a loyal and dedicated member of the sorority and lived her life upholding the pillars of the sorority: Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service to the greater community. Prior to her induction as the 27th President of the sorority in November of 2021, she was the First-Vice President of the organization from 2017 to 2021. Previous to that she served in a number of other roles on the organization’s executive leadership committee’s. Over her years as a member of Delta Sigma Theta, she served as the Regional Director for the Eastern Region, was the sorority’s South Atlantic Region’s Regional Representative and acted as co-chair on various tasks forces created internally. Additionally, Hickmon was a Golden Life member and apart of the Hartford Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta where she served proudly and with the utmost dedication.“It is with great sorrow that Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. shares the passing of our beloved National President and Chair of the National Board of Directors, Cheryl A. Hickmon. President Hickmon transitioned peacefully on January 20, 2022 after a recent illness. President Hickmon was a devoted member of Delta Sigma Theta since 1982 and served in various capacities at the chapter, regional, and national level. She is remembered not only for her role as a leader but for being a colleague, friend, and most of all, sister. The entire sisterhood of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated mourns the loss of President Hickmon. During this difficult time, we ask that you respect her family’s privacy and keep them in your prayers”.
Messages from throughout the various fraternizes and sororities of grief and sorrow have been flooding social media and the internet upon the announcement of Mrs. Hickmon’s passing. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity inc. sent out this message to it’s membership around 7pm January 20, 2022. “The Council of Past Grand Polemarchs, Grand Chapter Officers, province leadership, and members collectively mourn the passing of Cheryl A.Hickmon, the 27th National President and Chair of the National Board of Directors of Delt Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Soror Hickmon passed earlier today following a recent illness”.
The historic Black Greek Letter Organization was founded on the campus of Howard University on January 13th, 1913 by twenty two collegiate women. This year, the organization celebrated 109 years of sisterhood and the continuance of its historic legacy. Rooted in social action, the sorority’s first public act was participating in the Women’s Suffrage March in March of 1913 alongside notable figures such as Ida B. Wells, also a member. Delta Sigma Theta was the first historically Black sorority to prioritize public service in their mission. As a part of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, known as the Divine Nine, Delta Sigma Theta boasts a membership of over 300,000 initiated members and more than 1,000 charters globally. Prominent members of the organization include Shirley Chisholm, Aretha Franklin, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Dorothy Irene Height, and the 18th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Marcia L. Fudge. Fudge holds the honor of being a Past National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. from 1996 to 2000.